Thursday, April 30, 2009

Welcome Lucy Neatby!

Welcome Lucy Neatby!

Impromptu Welcome Party
Tahoe Joe's, Folsom, CA

Left to right: Lorna Miser, Lucy Neatby,
Beth Callahan, Betsy Coyne, Cindi Unmack.

World renowned knitting celebrity, Lucy Neatby just arrived in Sacramento tonight. A warm Sacramento welcome goes out to Lucy from all the Camellia City Stockinettes!

We are thrilled to have Lucy back all the way from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia! Lucy is on the road again in the US and doing a two day workshop for us this weekend. According to Beth Callahan it took us about three years to get Lucy back to Sacramento for the Stockinettes. That's how popular Lucy's workshops are!

Here's a sneak peak at our workshops with Lucy:

Sat May 2, 2009: Tessellation Secrets-Creating your own Interlocking Patterns.

Sunday May 3, 2009: Introduction to Intarsia, Fringes, Folderols and Furbelows!

For those of you who can't take a workshop with Lucy...check out her Knitter's Companion DVD series. They are like having a private workshop with Lucy right in your very own home.

For more information and inspiration,

By the way...Lucy is blogging now, too.
You can follow Lucy's blog at

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Knitting Guild Association (TKGA)

Cast On Magazine

Our guild, The Cameilla City Stockinettes is part of a much bigger picture. We are a local chapter of The Knitting Guild Association, better known as TKGA. TKGA is a non-profit organization for knitting and knitters. Since 1984 it has been promoting the craft of knitting and bringing knitters together.

Yearly membership in the TKGA is open to individuals, designers, retailers and wholesalers. Benefits for individual members include: Cast On magazine (4 issues yearly), eligibility for TKGA Correspondence Courses, eligibility for Master Knitting Courses, free entry to Knit and Crochet TKGA Conferences, member discounts and member only website with bonus patterns, lessons and master techniques articles. Individuals pay only $29.00 a year for these benefits including the member only magazine Cast On.

So if you would like to be a part of the bigger picture, join the TKGA. Their correspondence courses are a great way to build your knitting skills. Or perhaps you've always dreamed of becoming a master knitter...through TKGA you can achieve this title!

For more information on joining the TKGA, please visit their website

Friday, April 24, 2009

Meet our 2009 Board of Directors!

Camellia City Stockinettes
2009 Board of Directors

Presenting the Camellia City Stockinettes 2009 Board of Directors:

Seated left to right: Beth Callahan, Secretary and Lorna Miser, President.

Standing left to right: Cindi Unmack, Vice President, Barbara Debert, Treasurer and Sandra Benward, Membership/Newsletter.

Thank you ladies for your dedication and hardwork. We look forward to a great year under your leadership.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Who are the Camellia City Stockinettes?

The Camellia City Stockinettes

Who are the Camellia City Stockinettes? We're glad you asked.

Here's our story:

On October 16, 1989 a handful of knitters met at a yarn store in Sacramento to form a local Sacramento area chapter of the The Knitting Guild Association or TKGA.

The TKGA is a non-profit organization dedicated solely to knitting and knitters. Established in 1984, this association of knitters is dedicated to promoting knitting as a worthwhile and enjoyable hobby.

The Camellia City Stockinettes are a proud member of the TKGA. Back in 1989 we may have started out with just a handful of knitters but today we have nearly 150 members.

Today we have our general meeting on the first Thursday of every month. We meet at Franklin Templeton in Rancho Cordova from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM. Our meetings naturally consist of guild business and announcements conducted by our board of directors. Each month we rotate and different members bring in yummy refreshments for us to enjoy. We probably have the most fun with our "show and tell" segment (show off your knitting and tell us about it) and our "monthly challenge" project (a member gives us a pattern and challenges us to knit it).

Besides great monthly meetings, we have workshops nearly every month, too. We have a wonderful lending library filled with both vintage and new knitting books. We offer classes with famous knit-wear designers along with fun social knitting events like Stitch 'n Ride to Stitches West, Stitch n' Pitch and Knit in Public Day. We are thrilled this year to be offering a knitting retreat this fall in South Lake Tahoe. The best part is...our dues are only $15.00 a year. Are you ready to join?

If you live in the Sacramento region or surrounding area we would love to have you join our guild. We have members off all different ages, experience and skill levels. One thing we all do have in common...we all love knitting!