Tuesday, April 26, 2011


It was the annual Stich 'n Pitch at Raley Field. As we entered the stadium, Lorna was there to great us with a souvenir bag. We can all use another bag for our WIPs.

Sandy threw out the first ball wrapped in what else? Yarn! She did a great job too, right over home plate. What great knitters we are, knitting and watching baseball at the same time. Although the River Cats had a great start, they did not win the game. But that's ok, we had a great time, eating hot dogs, drinking sodas, catching fould balls, and knitting with Dinger. I brought a couple of friends, not members of the guild and they look forward to next year's Stitch 'n Pitch.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Brioche Stich

Last month it was the Bavarian Stitch, otherwise known as the traveling stitch. I think most of us chose to travel to Stitches West instead. Always be sure to bring lots of money when exposed to yarn.
This month Lorna showed us how to do the Bricohe Was that bread or the stitch?
The word comes from Old Norman French verb "brier" (an old form of "broyer") then used in the sense of "to knead dough with a wooden roller"; the participle is also found in "pain briƩ", a Norman speciality. The suffix -oche is added to the verb "brier" to designate the product. The root -- bhreg -- is of Germanic origin. Ok, so I'm feeling like I'm kneading my yarn with my wooden needles. A wonderful site by knitter and author, Nancy Marchant offers intstructions, patterns and attractive variations of the brioshe stitch. Check it out. http://briochestitch.com/brioche/
But I'm always ready to take on the challenge which in this case will probably be a swatch.
If you have trash for others to treasure, be sure to get it to the next meeting or contact Jo Morrison or diane Petersen. We are already putting our dimes away for the evnet in May.
It's spring training to ready for the Stitch and Pitch with the River Cats on April 25. Sandy Penly is collecting for the River Cats game.
Picture This! For our program in April, Bob Gouine will teach us how to photograph our work.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Charity never Faileth

"Today over 25 CCS guild members got together to knit for charities. We had piles, bags and boxes of yarn from which to choose. We knit 7" squares, chemo hats and comfort dolls. Susan Hamarland brought red, white and blue yarn to knit squares that get their design from quilt squares. There was much food, fun and laughter all around. Most people stayed the duration from 11 am to 3 pm.
Today's event was so enjoyed by all that the guild plans to repeat it about once per quarter. There are people researching outdoor parks and alternate locations."

New Year, New Place

It's a new year and we are in our new digs. There lots of room to move around, in fact there are two rooms for our use. One for our meeting and one for our library/display. Our fist meeting of the year geared up for those new resolutions to go through our stash and reorganize. Ideas were shared on how to store needles and how to organize our yarn.

Lorna gave us our challenge for our February meeting...to create something that is you. What would you knit to identify you? Me...probably something purple. I'd better get started.

We are also going to do a knit-along. One will be a knitted, then felted bunny and the other the "Clapotis" found both on knitty.com and ravelry.

Look forward to seeing everyone in February.