It's starting to look like a proper yarn bombing. Several Stockinettes gathered today to start installing our collective fiber pieces at the Discovery Museum. Here's a picture of the fence being assembled from yards and yards and yards of 7-inch squares that will later be turned into lapghans.
Other installations were to be seen tucked away in the redwoods.
"All Dressed Up and No Place to Go"
"Birds of a Fiber"
And from the Fiber Fairies, "Jungle Fiber"
Be sure to come out next Saturday, June 9th at 10 AM to help with the rest of the installation of the fence (flowers to be added) and to participate in Knit In Public Day here at the Museum, located at 3615 Auburn Blvd. in Sacramento. There's parking and lots of trees for shade, picnic tables, bathrooms. What more could you want for Knit in Public Day? Bring chairs, your lunch, and maybe some snacks to share and your knitting of course. See you there. Thanks to Beth for the idea of the yarn bombing and to Lucky Lisa for coordinating everything and to all the strippers out there who knit strips and flowers. Good job, Stockinettes (and Fiber Fairies).