Let the games begin, no matter what they are called. USOC Apology The game is to set yourself an Olympian challenge, cast on during the opening ceremonies and finish by the closing ceremonies. A few Stockinettes gathered last night to get the ball rolling and watch the athletes walk into the stadium in London. I'm in the Sweater Triathalon, Jude is doing WIPs Wrestling and Sweater Triathalon, Beth is entered in Shawl Sailing and Balance Beads, and Lisa is also doing WIPs Wrestling which entails finishing a work in progress or as Gigi and Jasmine like to call them PhDs, partially half-done projects. Our prez cheered us on and the snacks were yummy. Ever heard of "enhanced Saltines". I'm not sure that's what Linda calls them but they were great.
We even have our own badge
If you're on the team and weren't at the kick off, Jude will bring yours to the meeting next week. There is also an official Ravellenic Badge
but you have to order those through Ravelry. They are $6 and a nice souvenir. I have two from the 2008 and 2010 games on my Ravelry bag.
If you get the urge to cast on soon and think you can make it by the end of the games, go for it. Instructions for entering and tagging your project are on Ravelry in the CCS group. We'll have show and tell for the Ravellenic Games at the September meeting.