Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Spotted at Stitches

Look who was spotted at Stitches and who was mentioned in the Never Not Knitting Blog (scroll down to the 4th picture from the bottom for a nice storyline).  Our own Elizabeth R.  Lookin' good there, Elizabeth.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Spring Flowers!

Spotted at A Perfect Blend and knitted by our newsletter guru, Sandi.  She'll be entering her flowers for the April Challenge at the next guild meeting, so better get working on yours.  Flowers can then be used for the yarn bombing Fiber event at The Discovery Museum  in June.  The Guild is supporting this event and has bought a fence that will be bombed with 7" wide strips of knitted or crocheted acrylic fabric and decorated with FLOWERS, all shapes and sizes and varieties.  (Hint, click on the FLOWERS link to be taken to a Ravelry page for free crochet and knit flower patterns.  You have to be a member so if you're not, follow this link Ravelry and set up your account today.  It's free and pretty much risk-free except for frequent episodes of yarn lust and project envy).

Another hint for today is to look on the right hand sidebar.  See where it says "Follow by email"?  If you fill in your email address there, every time there is a new post it will show up in your inbox.  Or, underneath all the posts, you can sign up for an RSS feed.  More on that later.  Master knitters arriving here soon.

Monday, March 12, 2012


2nd Monday of the month is our Program night open to CCS members only.  Tonight Cindi presented "Ravelry - the ins and outs and how-tos".  It was a very engaged crowd that had lots of questions and we hope that they all go out and sign-up for Ravelry and "friend" one another.  A few of the members shared their Rav names:  Nina is Ninaclock145, Cindi is Cindiknits, Beth is Topfrog, and Jude is Meherbie.  Once you find one of us or someone else you know on Ravelry, you can look at their friends and maybe find some you know as well.  A suggestion was made to maybe include Ravelry names on the membership list.  You can also add your Ravelry name to your CCS name tag.  And once you are up and running on Ravelry, be sure to go to Groups and search for Camellia City Stockinettes and join the group.  Have fun!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

You've heard of yarn bombings?  Check this one out Olympic yarn bombing at Saltburn Pier.  Speaking of yarn bombings, the guild is supporting International Knit in Public Day and International Yarn Bombing Day by celebrating both at the Discovery Museum Science and Space Center on June 9th and 10th.  We need the help of all Stockinettes!  Start knitting 7" wide panels out of acrylic yarn that will be stitched together and embellished.  Stay tuned for details but start knitting.  Here are Sandi and Beth getting started. 


We're back!  Check here periodically to catch up on Stockinettes in action.  We had a great March meeting with lots of show and tell.  Here are Diane and Marilyn working on a community blanket project.  There are all sorts of events coming up but the next one will be the 2nd Program meeting of the year on Monday March 12th.  Guild member Cindy will demonstrate how to use Ravelry, the best thing to come along for knitters and crocheters since needles, hooks, and cashmere yarn.  For members only.  Details in the latest newsletter.