Monday, July 20, 2009

Sock Knitting 101

Judee's adorable tiny knit socks!

Welcome to Sock Knitting 101

"The first thing I ever knit were wool socks! I didn't know that beginner's didn't knit socks. I was 16 yrs old when I started to knit." Said Stockinette Wilma!

"Sock's so addictive!" Said Stockinette Lizette H.!

"My Mom in the 1940's knit argyle socks." Said Stockinette Jill.

Sock Knitting 101 was our Tuesday Night Program on July 7, 2009. Great sock comments from the Stockinettes were heard all night long!

Sock Knitting 101 was led by three experienced Stockinette sock knitters: Cindi, Beth and Judee. Each taught a group of knitters a different method of knitting socks from Double Point Needles, Magic Loop or Two Circular needles.

Cindi helping Sachiko getting started on her sock!

Judee had experienced sock knitters and even fist timers!

Beth and her circle of sock students!

Sock Knitting 101

Skills learned during the program were: turning the heel (like magic), making the gusset and and closing the toes with the Kitchener stitch. Many experienced Stockinette knitters offered their expertise to the newer sock knitters in the class. (That's a Stockinette for you!)

By the end of the night...everyone left with a completed sock. Thank you to the wonderful teachers, helpers and to all who attended!

See you at the next Tuesday Night Program!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Knitting Event at Borders Books!

Lorna Miser at Borders Books

Mention the name Lorna to a knitter and everyone knows that you are talking about, our very own, Lorna Miser. Lorna is not only a local knitting celebrity but she is also the Camellia City Stockinettes President, the original founder of Lorna's Laces hand-dyed yarns, a designer and an author. With all her claim to fame the best part about she is still just like the girl next door!

Borders Books in Folsom held a book signing with Lorna on Saturday July 11, 2009 for her new book Faith, Hope, Love, Knitting. This wasn't your typical book signing event though. Lorna and Borders invited all local knitters to attend this special book signing event to knit. A "shout out" even went out to the Camellia City Stockinettes to join the knitting fun. Were you there?

A Knitting Circle

Many enthusiastic knitters came out to Borders to support Lorna and show everyone how "hip" it is to knit! There were at least 15 to 20 members of the Camellia City Stockinettes spotted at Borders that busy Saturday afternoon. There were other familiar knitting faces in the crowd (Sally and Toni) and some new faces (Jacki and Lisa), too. We hope perhaps some new knitting friendships were made that will lead to more local knitters joining the Camellia City Stockinettes!

Congratulations Lorna on your Borders Books event!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

July Guild Meeting

July Guild Meeting
Trash to Treasure

Are you coming to Guild meetings? If you aren't, you are sure missing out on a lot of fun! Here is a recap of our July Guild meeting on July 2, 2009.

Crowd Control Please!

Our meeting was called to order as usual by President Lorna Miser. This was no ordinary meeting though because it was also Trash to Treasure night! We had a lively Stockinette crowd full of energetic yarn shoppers and bidders!

Yummy Yarn Lots!

There was lots and lots of yarn at the meeting, thanks to Trash to Treasure!

Have you checked out a book lately?

There were loads and loads of books at the meeting thanks to our wonderful lending library. A great big thank you to Cathy B. for bringing the lending library to every meeting!

Fabulous Food!

There was fabulous food at the meeting! For refreshments we enjoyed luscious tropical fruits, assorted cookies and treats...perfect on a summer night! (Thank you to the Stockinette husband who did the creative culinary fruit display!)

So, if you are not coming to our monthly meetings you can see that you are really missing out on great fun, great yarn, great food, great books and more!

Our monthly meetings are informative and fun! They are a great way for keeping you "in the loop" with the Stockinettes and knitting news! If you are a member, we hope to see you at our August meeting. If you are not a member, please accept our invitation to come and be our guest. We would love to have you join us and become a Camellia City Stockinette!

The July Monthly Challenge

T.P. Hat by Doris!

Last but not least...there is the July Monthly Challenge. This month we are challenged by Doris to whip up a toilet tissue cover. (Yes, you read that right!) You know like the cute little knit or crochet doll your Grandmother had in her bathroom covering the toilet paper roll!

So use your imagination and let's see what the Stockinettes can whip up for this fun monthly challenge.

Toilet Roll Covers Book

T.P., toilet paper, toilet it what you like. There are loads of patterns out there if you search. There are even books on T.P. covers! Perhaps you might even try your hand at a vintage pattern? The sky is the limit!

Toilet Tissue Dollies

We can't wait to see what clever ideas you come up with!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Trash to Treasure

Catherine & Co.
Doris, Catherine, Jude & Mary teamed up
and formed Catherine & Co.

Trash to Treasure 2009

They person's trash is another person's treasure. Since a Stockinette knitter would never throw good yarn away, the Stockinette members seemingly end up with a lot of unused and extra yarn in their stashes. So the Stockinettes came up with Trash to Treasure.

Green Yarn Lot

Trash to Treasure is our annual event where we auction off yarn, books, patterns, needles, etc.. All items are generously donated by Stockinette members. All sale proceeds from this fun event go directly to The Camellia Stockinettes library fund!

The Orange Yarn Lot

This year Trash to Treasure was held at our July Guild meeting. There were 11 lots of yummy yarn to bid on. Each lot of yarn contained at least a $50.00 value and some lots even contained over $100.00 worth of yarn and knitting supplies.

The White Yarn Lot

There were even fun raffle prizes,too! $1.00 gave you five lucky chances to win one of three fabulous raffle prize lots filled with yarn, patterns and more.

One raffle prize lot even contained two gorgeous garments knit by, our very own, Lorna Miser!

Here is a quick re-cap of how Trash to Treasure works:

Inge & Phyllis
(Planning their strategy!)

First you check out all the table lots of yarn.

Than you plan your strategy!

Serious Shoppers Inge & Phylis

Next, you check out the goods
like serious "treasure seekers" Inge and Phyllis.

Lastly, you place your auction bid and keep your fingers crossed!

We won! We won!

Then auctioneer Beth closes the bidding and announces the winner. Yea..perhaps you are a lucky winner like Inge and Phyllis! Next the savvy shoppers who teamed up for bidding (and pooled their resources) have fun dividing up their yarn conquest winnings. This is a lot of fun to watch!

Hey... I wanted that yarn!

And sometimes...there is even fighting over yarn!

Just kidding, of course!

Sheila and Michele
The Organizers!

A great big thank you to Sheila and Michele for a fantastic Trash to Treasure night! Thank you to our wonderful auctioneer Beth and to Cindi for being the cashier.

According to Cindi, the lowest yarn lot (baby yarns) sold for $20.00 to Kendall and the highest selling yarn lot went for $80.00 to Catherine & Co.. All in all it was a fun night with over $500.00 raised for our library fund.

Coming on the look out for some fabulous new library books in the Stockinettes Library thanks to Trash to Treasure!