Friday, December 18, 2009

Time to Celebrate!

Camellia City Stockinettes
Annual Holiday Party

Kendal, Sandra & Diane P. enjoying the festivities!

What better way to end the year but with a holiday party!

The Camellia City Stockinettes celebrated the holidays with a Holiday Party and Celebration on December 3, 2009. It was held at the Veterans Hall in Folsom, CA.

In the spirit of community...this year's party was a potluck. The Stockinettes brought delicious foods ranging from appetizers, salads, entrees and desserts. It was a fabulous three course buffet with all the food and trimmings. Turns out the Stockinettes aren't just great knitters but great cooks, too!

The Holiday Party Room

The Holiday party was a great reminder of the camaraderie of our knitting guild. Members were able to socialize and visit with other members throughout the evening. There was also a Secret Santa gift exchange with lots of oohs and awes!

The party was also a celebration of the Camellia City Stockinettes 20th Anniversary. Doris K. & Jude T. gave a lovely history and overview of our guild's founding. The Stockinettes have been going strong for 20 years now and today's membership is well over 200 members. What an accomplishment!

Close-Knit Friends
Paula & Jeanne

The Camellia City Stockinettes guild has created many close-knit friendships amongst it's members. Many of our members meet at other times of the month to knit together at local yarn stores or cozy cafes. Many members have been good friends for years now.

Member and former President Sandra B. said it best about the holiday party:

"What a great night and great turnout!"

It was so good to see so many old friends at the party tonight. The food was outstanding, thanks. Doris and Jude are a good team - the walk down memory lane was great. Thanks to the entire committee and everyone that helped to put this together. It is a big job and I appreciate all that went into the night."

Congratulations Camellia City Stockinettes!
2oth Anniversary Celebration

The Crew

The Kitchen Crew
Lizette H., Lorna Miser & Michele C.
(and Sheila I. not pictured due to tending the buffet table)

Last but not least...a great big thank you to Michele C. and the Holiday Party Committee! You all out did yourselves with this fabulous event. Thank you for organizing this lovely party for us. Thank you for our adorable holiday party goodie bag and Knit N Style magazine, too!

Thank you to the Folsom Veterans Hall for being a fabulous venue for our Holiday Party. Thank you to all service men and women for their service in keeping America safe and strong.

Happy Holidays!


  1. What a fun night. Great pics, Lisette! And thanks to my secret Santa (PA) for the wonderful size 2 Lantern Moon double points. Score! Nina
